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The Self-Love Projekt, self-reflection journal is designed to promote self-care by allowing yourself to take a few minutes out of your day to recite self-love affirmations that remind you of how great you are. You can write down things as simple as how your day went, your dreams, goals and aspirations. Important events that took place in your life, your hobbies, your strengths and weaknesses. Thoughts and feelings along with your favorite quotes. Life is too short, write out a bucket list or anything else that you feel is of importance. Always date your pages as a reminder of how far you have grown throughout your writing journey. When your book is full, you can make the decision to turn the journal into your very own masterpiece; a memoir, or cherish it as a souvenir, a book full of memories. Remember you are the author over your life.                                                                    

Self-Reflection Journal is $15.00                            Includes two FREE writers gifts ​​

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I went through a silent period of depression where I lost myself. The Self-Love Projekt was born after a 15-year failed marriage. The way of life can sometimes get us down as individuals and it’s up to us how to deal with it. Under the Self-Love Projekt, I aspire to host round-table events transitioning into seminars to spread awareness about how important it is for us to have self-love. No matter what we do or where we go through life, always make time for yourself. Neglecting your needs will suck the life right up out of you leaving you mentally, physically, and emotionally drained. Get up, do your hair, get dressed, get out, and remember who you are!


If you have ever lost yourself trying to satisfy others, if you’ve lost yourself just being overwhelmed with life in general, then The Self-love Journal is for you. Find time for you to heal and recover!

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